This is pretty self explanitory. My laptop that I use for my VAG-COM lives in a pretty hostile environment as laptops are concerned. The garage. I bought this aluminum skinned case at Home Depot, and modified it to suit having a computer living in it. Along the way, I also found a use for one of my old Audi 'football' logos from my old 4000 quattro. |
I wanted to be able to charge the battery without having the case open, so I mounted a plug on the case.. I 'borrowed' the plug from an old printer, and used an old extension cord that I had laying around. One of these days I will put a 'prettier' plug on the end of the extension... |
Here is a view of the socket that I used on the back. I chose this type, because I have a bunch of power cords that will go into this socket. |
And here is the laptop in the case, surrounded by foam, to keep it snug.
This laptop is a Dell Latitude XPi 166, with 40 mb of RAM, which is more than adequate for VAG COM duties, and adequate for surfing the Bentley service manual. |
The latest mod to the VAGCASE is to allow access to the PCMCIA slots with the computer fully in it's nest. This is necessary now that I have a LAN at my house, and I also sometimes load data to and from this PC via PCMCIA compact flash cards/adapters. |